A burglary happens about every 18 seconds in the US alone. About 34% of those are through the front door, and households of females with children had the highest rates of burglary while someone was home. These are SCARY statistics! With Lok N Blok properly installed, access by picking or "Key-Bumping" the deadbolt becomes almost impossible to turn. In fact, during testing, when using Lok N Blok with the key, the key actually failed (as shown in the video below). Lok N Blok is also effective in helping as a child lock. With Lok N Blok installed, it is much harder for toddlers to exit a door that has a deadbolt, by keeping the deadbolt in the locked position.
Great for side doors on garages too!
We Are A Family Run Business
Lok N Blok is a family business that is proud of the fact that we are 100% manufactured in the USA. Our manufacturing, packaging, and shipping are all done and based in California.

What Our Customers Are Saying
DISCLAIMER and WARNING! Lok N Blok is not a toy, please keep away from children. Lok N Blok is designed to add an extra measure of security to your deadbolt. This does not imply that Lok N Blok will prevent a break-in. All lock and security devices are prone to being compromised. Great Innovations LLC, Lok N Blok, and any of it's affiliates are not responsible or accept any liabilities for the product and/or it's use. Upon purchasing, user understands and accepts all liabilities in regards to the use and risks of using Lok N Blok. Please instruct each person on how to properly install and uninstall Lok N Blok.
WARRANTY: Lok N Blok has a limited lifetime warranty. We guarantee the product free from defects from the manufacture. This warranty does NOT cover any abuse, misuse, or damage caused by the customer. For warranty claims and/or information, please contact us at loknbloksales@gmail.com. NO RETURNS on sale items, discounted items, or item(s) purchased with a discount code(s).